
Breedekloof is a wine-producing area located in the western part of the Breede River Valley within the Western Cape of South Africa. It is home to a mix of large cooperative and small boutique wineries. Wine tourism is well-developed in the region, with wine route maps available to guide visitors to cellar doors, allowing them to explore the diverse offerings of Breedekloof’s wineries.

The region benefits from the surrounding mountain ranges and the meandering Breede River, which contribute to its diverse terroir. Various wine styles are produced here, with notable varieties including Sauvignon Blanc, Chenin Blanc, Shiraz, and Pinotage. Breedekloof is also gaining recognition for its fortified and dessert wines made from Muscat of Alexandria, also known as Hanepoot.

Situated to the west of Worcester, across the Breede River, Breedekloof is bounded by the Slanghoek Mountains to the west, separating it from the renowned and much warmer Paarl region. The area is further divided by the Badsberg Mountain, which creates two distinct wards within: Goudini and Slanghoek.

The mountains in Breedekloof play a crucial role in shaping its climate. The Slanghoek Mountains cast afternoon shadows that shorten the hot days and bring cooler evenings. This diurnal temperature variation allows the grapes to cool down, maintaining their fresh acidity while developing ripe fruit flavors.

The presence of the Breede River and its tributaries creates a range of microclimates in Breedekloof, emphasizing the importance of site selection for grape growers. While cooler valley floors are favorable for white wine varieties, red wine varieties thrive on the north-facing higher slopes, benefiting from increased sunlight exposure for optimal ripening.

The soil composition in Breedekloof varies from sandy loam near the riverbanks to rockier and more stony soils in the mountains. These well-drained mountain soils are particularly beneficial for red wine varieties. The vines here dig deeper into the soil to access water, resulting in lower grape yields but higher flavor concentration.